English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 85 lectures (10h 16m) | 4.02 GB
Access & use the dark net and the clear net privately, anonymously and securely
Welcome to the ultimate dark net, privacy, anonymity and security course. With no prior knowledge required this course will take you from a beginner to advanced in all of these topics; teaching you how to properly and securely discover data and websites on both the dark web and clear web, access hidden (onion) services, communicate privately and anonymously using instant messages and email, manually use end-to-end encryption to protect your privacy and make it impossible to read even if it gets intercepted, sign and verify files, share files anonymously, transfer funds anonymously using crypto currencies such as Bitcoin and Monero and much more! You’ll also learn how to do all of this in a secure manner making it very difficult for hackers or other entities to hack you or de-anonymise you.
This course is highly practical but won’t neglect the theory, first you’ll understand the inner-workings of each topic and each technique covered, then you’ll learn how to apply it in real-life scenarios ultimately teaching you how to use the dark net and the clear net in a more private, more anonymouse and more secure manner. By the end of the course you’ll be able to combine the skills you learned and use them in any situation that requires more privacy, more anonymity or more security.
This course covers four main topics, I chose to cover all of these topics in one course because I think it is very difficult to learn one without the others as they are very related, these main topics are:
1. Anonymity – anonymity is a state where your identity is unknown. Achieving this on the internet is not easy because of the way the internet is designed. In this course you’ll learn a number of techniques to protect your anonymity; you’ll first learn what the TOR network is, understand how it works and how it can significantly improve our anonymity, then you’ll learn how to connect to it using the TOR Browser, using TAILS and using Qubes OS. You’ll also learn how configure TOR properly to bypass censorship and connect even if its blocked!
2. Privacy – Using an anonymising network such as TOR is not enough to stay private and anonymous because the operating systems we use (Windows, Apple Mac OS and Linux) constantly collect data about us. Therefore in this course you’ll learn how to use operating systems designed to be more private, more anonymous and more secure; TAILS and Qubes OS. You’ll learn how to install these operating systems on a USB stick so you can use them on any computer without affecting the original operating system and without leaving any traces!
There’s also a fully section on encryption in which you’ll learn how the two main types of encryptions work (symmetric and asymmetric), end-to-end encryption and how to use it to encrypt / decrypt and sign / verify data, This allows you to privately communicate and share any sort of data; whether it is simple text, or files such as images, videos, etc. without worrying about it being intercepted.
The the payment methods we are used to use are not private and not anonymous. Therefore the course has a full section on crypto-currencies, to teach you about blockchain, crypto-currencies, and how to anonymously obtain two crypto currencies; Bitcoin and Monero and use them to send / receive funds.
3. Dark Net – This is the portion on the internet that is not indexed by search engines and require special configuration to access. Using anonymising networks and privacy-focused operating systems are 2 steps in the right direction of becoming more private and more anonymouse. However, unfortunately it is not enough, the services we use everyday are not private and constantly collect data about us, so the the search engines (Google or Bing), the email provers (ex: Gmail, or Yahoo), the instant messaging platforms (Whatsapp or Skype), the file sharing services (Dropbox or Google Drive) and the list goes on. All of these services are not private, not anonymouse and can be used to track us and de-anonymise us. Therefore in this course I will teach you how to carry out your normal day-to-day tasks in a more private and anonymous manner, so first I’ll teach you how to search for websites and content on both the clear net and on the dark net, then I’ll tech you how to discover hidden services (onion services) to carry out your normal day-to-day tasks privately and anonymously (such as communicating using emails, or instant messages, file sharing, etc.).
4. Security – All of the above will drastically enhance your anonymity and privacy and allow you to access both the dark web and the clear web privately and anonymously. However if you get hacked, the hacker will gain control over your system and therefore will be able to easily bypass whatever anonymity techniques you’re using and de-anonymise you, so all of the above is useless without security. Therefore in this course I will teach you how to do all of the above securely, then at the last section of the course I’ll show you how to take your security to the next level by dividing your operating system into a number of isolated security domains. Therefore even if you get hacked, only a small portion of your system will be compromised, making it extremely difficult for the hacker to compromise the entire system or de-anonymise you.
What you’ll learn
- Anonymously access the dark net and TOR hidden services (onion services).
- Install, configure & use anonymouse and private operating systems such as TAILS & Qubes OS
- Understand how cryptocurrencies work and anonymously use and handle Bitcoin & Monero.
- Privately communicate using emails and instant messages.
- Understand asymmetric & symmetric encryption and manually encrypt, sign, decrypt and verify data.
- Anonymously obtain Bitcoint & Monero
- Discover hidden services (onion services) on the darknet.
- Use darknet search engines and services.
- Use Qubes & TAILS from usb sticks on any computer without affecting it and without leaving any traces.
- Bypass censorship & connect to TOR even if it’s blocked.
- Use TOR bridges and pluggable transports to bypass filters.
- Understand what VPN is and how to use it with TOR.
- Configure TOR for maximum security & anonymity.
- Handle and share files privately and anonymously.
- Use daknet email services.
- Use temporary email services.
- Configure & use Jabber / XMPP to communicate privately on the dark net.
- Setup & use end-to-end encryption.
- Understand symmetric and asymmetric encryptions.
- Use PGP to encrypt and decrypt data.
- Use PGP to sign and verify integrity.
- Understand what is cryptocurrency and how it works.
- Understand how Bitcoin and Monero work.
- Anonymously obtain and use Bitcoin and Monero.
- Use exchanges to convert one cryptcurrency to another.
- Anonymously transfer funds using Bitcoin & Monero.
- Secure your computer and your data by dividing it into a number of isolated domains.
- Securely handle files (even malware/viruses) without affecting your computer.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Privacy, Anonymity & Security
2 Course Breakdown
3 Introduction to TOR
4 Introduction to Hidden Services Onion Services
5 Connecting to TOR
The TOR Browser
6 Section Intro & Breakdown
7 What is The TOR Browser
8 Verifying & Installing TOR Browser on Windows
9 Verifying & Installing TOR Browser on Apple Mac OS
10 Verifying & Installing TOR Browser on Linux
11 TOR Bridges & Pluggable Transports
12 Bypassing TOR Censorship
13 Intro to Virtual Private Networks (VPN) & How to Use it with TOR
14 Configuring TOR Browser For Maximum Security & Anonymity
15 TOR Browser Security Settings & Intro to Information Theory
TAILS – The Amnesic Incognito Live System
16 Disadvantages of Using The TOR Browser on Windows, OS X or Linux
17 What is TAILS
18 TAILS Installation Options
19 Installing TAILS From All Operating Systems
20 Starting TAILS on All Operating Systems
21 TAILS Basics – Part 1
22 TAILS Basics – Part 2
23 What is Persistence & Why We Need it!
24 Enabling Encrypted Persistence
25 Using The TOR Browser on Tails
26 Connecting to Captive Portals
27 Connecting to VPN From TAILS – Method 1
28 Connecting to VPN From TAILS – Method 2
Accessing the Dark Net – Entry Points
29 Introduction & Breakdown of Next Sections
30 Discovering Hidden Services Using Darknet Search Engines
31 Discovering Hidden Services Using Listings & Onion Services
Communicating Privately & Anonymously – Using Email
32 Creating a Fake Anonymous Identity
33 Using Temporary Email Accounts
34 Using Private Email Providers
35 Using DarkNet Email Providers
36 Picking The Right Email Service
Communicating Privately & Anonymously – Instant Messaging
37 Introduction to Jabber XMPP
38 Setting up XMPP with Pidgin
39 Enabling End-to-end Encryption in Pidgin
40 Verifying Contacts
File Management & File Sharing
41 Introduction to Private and Anonymous File Sharing
42 Clearing Metadata & Basic File Sharing
43 Sharing Files Privately & Anonymously
44 Securely Removing Files
45 Securely Wiping & Encrypting Storage Devices
46 What is Encryption & Why Its Important
47 Introduction to Symmetric & Asymmetric Encryption
48 Generating a PGP Key Pair
49 Importing & Exporting Keys
50 Encrypting & Decrypting Text
51 Introduction to Digital Signatures
52 Signing Messages & Verifying Signatures
53 Encrypting & Decrypting Files
54 Signing & Verifying Files
55 Introduction – Why Use Cryptocurrency
56 What is Cryptocurrency & How It works
Cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin
57 Installing a Bitcoin Wallet
58 Creating a Bitcoin Wallet
59 Ways to Anonymously Get Bitcoins
60 Using Bitcoin ATMs
61 Using P2P Services
62 Sending & Receiving Bitcoins
63 Introduction to Mixers Tumblers
64 Improve Bitcoin Anonymity Using Mixers
Cryptocurrencies – Monero
65 Introduction to Monero
66 Creating a Monero Wallet
67 Restoring Monero Wallet on TAILS
68 ways to Anonymously Get Monero
69 Crypto-exchanges – Converting One Cryptocurrency to Another
70 Using a Crypto Exchanges to Increase Anonymity
71 Conclusion
Qubes OS
72 What is Qubes & Why Use it
73 Installation Options & Verifying Qubes
74 Flashing Qubes to USB
75 Preparing Computer For Qubes
76 Installing Qubes OS
77 Qubes OS Basics
78 Overview of The Security Domains in Qubes OS
79 Working With Multiple Security Domains Simultaneously
80 Handling Files & Text Across The Different Security Domains
81 Installing Software to Specific Domains
82 Handling MalwareViruses & Suspicious Files Securely
83 Connecting to TOR From Qubes OS Using Whonix Gateway
84 Installing Software on Whonix
Bonus Section
85 Bonus Lecture – What’s next
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