React JS Web Development – The Essentials Bootcamp

React JS Web Development – The Essentials Bootcamp

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 10.5 Hours | 3.11 GB

Bootcamp on the React.js essentials. Gain a strong foundation of the core concepts, and build exciting and useful apps!

The new content follows all the best practices of modern React development, and will take you even deeper into the React engine. There is a far better exploration of where React fits in the overall big picture of web development. And just like before, the course will teach how to create React applications as you build your own React projects along with the tutorial.

Want to learn how to create React applications the right way?

With five minutes of your time, I’ll explain why this course is the best invesment of time you can make to learn how to code React apps.

When I was first learning web development and software engineering, I used courses, tutorials, stackoverflow threads, and public github projects. It was invigorating – teaching myself the skills that would start a career.

But I often found that tutorials only showed me what methods to use. I had to piece together examples, trying to figure out why examples were working – why bugs were popping up. Even when I found a code fix, there was often that missing layer of how the update addressed the problem.

It was a grind, and the learning process could have been more efficient with better resources.

Fast forward five years, and I’m working as a full-stack software engineer at Zendesk in San Francisco. I often think back to those first couple years teaching myself web development.

The resources could have been better, more efficient, giving me not only what to write, but why the fix addresses the issue, and how the code works under the hood.

So that is what I’ve created in this course. A React learning experience that will give you all three of those important aspects to understanding code: what methods to use, why to use those methods, and how those methods work under the hood.

I really believe that taking this course will be a valuable investment of your time.

I’m making the first couple sections free to preview. Even if you only end up doing this free content, you’ll walk away with a complete React application, and a lot of valuable lessons learned.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn React the right and learn best practices.
  • Dive into the React engine, and learn how it works under the hood.
  • See how React fits in the big picture of web development.
  • Learn how to build applications from scratch.
  • Cover the crucial concepts of bundling and transpiling, and create frontend application build systems.
Table of Contents

1 What Youll Get From Taking this Course
2 A 7m Overview of Web Development and React
3 [IMPORTANT] Course Repo and Software Installations

Welcome to React First React Application
4 Section Overview First React Application
5 Set up the Portfolio App
6 Run the React App and the React Project Structure
7 ReactDOM Elements and JSX
8 A React Component
9 Classes – Overview
10 Classes Inheritance and a Closer Component Look
11 State
12 SetState
13 A React Rule Never Directly Modify State
14 Class Properties and Initializers
15 Component 2 Projects
16 Props and Project Component
17 Challenge Social Profiles Component
18 Code Social Profiles Component
19 Wrap up with Low-Hanging Styling Fruit
20 Section Summary

Breaking down React React and Web Development
21 Section Overview
22 React from Scratch
23 Compiling Bundling and a Closer Look at JSX
24 Refactor the Portfolio to use Parcel
25 The Necessity of Bundlers and Transpilers Review
26 The DOM and Reacts Virtual DOM
27 Section Summary

Continued Main React Concepts
28 Section Preview
29 Lifecycle Methods and componentDidMount
30 ComponentWillUnmount
31 [Optional] Title Fade
32 Stateless Functional Components
33 [Optional] HTTP Overview
34 Fetch and a Jokes Component
35 Challenge and Code Ten More Jokes
36 Fetch Under the Hood Promises
37 React Router
38 Header Component
39 Higher Order Components
40 Section Summary

Core React Concepts Review
41 Core React Review
42 Core React – Glossary of Key Terms

Core React Project MusicMaster 2.0
43 Section and Project Preview
44 Set up Music Master and Your Own React App Template
45 Track User Input in the State
46 Challenge and Code Search an Artists Top Tracks
47 Challenge and Code Artist Component
48 Tracks Component
49 Search Component and Lifting State Up in Callback Props
50 Styling Finishing Touches
51 Include Music Master in Portfolio
52 Section Summary

Conclusion and Course Sequel
53 Congratulations and Course Sequel
54 Redux Overview [Redux Bootcamp Preview]
55 Bonus Content

Deprecrated Content
56 Deprecrated Content

[Deprecated] Building CountdownChamp – Your First React Application
57 Wireframing CountdownChamp
58 Building Your First Application
59 Editing the Application
60 Creating Your First Component
61 Structuring the Application
62 Introducing State
63 Updating State
64 Changing Data with the Input Field
65 Creating a Clock Component
66 Introducing Props
67 Coding Break Updating State
68 Calculating Time Until
69 Hooking with LifeCycle Methods
70 Adding Helper Methods with Ternary Expressions
71 Styling with React Bootstrap
72 Summary and Challenges

[Deprecated] Building MusicMaster – with an API
73 IMPORTANT Before You Start MusicMaster
74 Wireframing MusicMaster
75 Setting Up MusicMaster
76 Creating the App Component
77 Styling with Bootstrap
78 Searching for Artists
79 Coding Break Web Requests
80 Preparing a Web Request
81 Fetching Data with a Url
82 Building the Artist Profile
83 Styling New Components with CSS
84 Expanding the Fetch Request
85 Building a Gallery
86 Playing Audio with JavaScript
87 Pausing a Track
88 Animated Styling
89 Summary and Challenges

[Deprecated] Building ReminderPro – with Redux and Cookies
90 Wireframing ReminderPro
91 Introducing Redux
92 Introducing Actions and Action Creators
93 Providing a Store and Introducing Reducers
94 Coding Break the Three Steps to Redux
95 Mapping Dispatch To Props and Binding Action Creators
96 Mapping State to Props
97 Rendering a List of Reminders
98 Deleting Reminders
99 Reducing the List Component
100 Timestamping Reminders
101 Interpreting Moments with MomentJS
102 Coding Break Cookies
103 Baking Browser Cookies
104 Clearing All Reminders
105 Summary and Challenges

[Deprecated] Building GoalCoach – with Redux Authentication and a Database
106 Wireframing GoalCoach
107 Setting Up the Index
108 Fixing React Router
109 Navigating with React-Router
110 Adding Firebase to the Application
111 Setting Up Sign Up
112 Writing Sign In
113 Coding Break Authentication
114 Adding Redux to GoalCoach
115 Logging the User with Redux
116 Developing the App Component
117 Creating a GoalList Component
118 Reducing Goals in the Redux Store
119 Combining our Reducers
120 Mapping the Goals List
121 Completing a Goal
122 Removing a Goal
123 Adding Completed Goals to Redux
124 Rendering Completed Goals
125 Summary and Challenges