English | 2012 | ISBN: 978-1118026694 | 960 Pages | PDF, EPUB | 55 MB
This book provides a developer-level introduction along with more advanced and useful features of JavaScript. Coverage includes:
- JavaScript use with HTML to create dynamic webpages, language concepts including syntax and flow control statements
- variable handling given their loosely typed nature
- built-in reference types such as object and array
- object-oriented programing
- powerful aspects of function expressions
- Browser Object Model allowing interaction with the browser itself
- detecting the client and its capabilities
- Document Object Model (DOM) objects available in DOM Level 1
- how DOM Levels 2 and 3 augmented the DOM
- events, legacy support, and how the DOM redefined how events should work
- enhancing form interactions and working around browser limitations
- using the <canvas > tag to create on-the-fly graphics
- JavaScript API changes in HTML5
- how browsers handle JavaScript errors and error handling
- features of JavaScript used to read and manipulate XML data
- the JSON data format as an alternative to XML
- Ajax techniques including the use of XMLHttpRequest object and CORS
- complex patterns including function currying, partial function application, and dynamic functions
- offline detection and storing data on the client machine
- techniques for JavaScript in an enterprise environment for better maintainability
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