Postman: The Complete Guide – REST API Testing

Postman: The Complete Guide – REST API Testing

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 13.5 Hours | 4.04 GB

Postman API testing for manual and automated tests. Automate with Newman, Jenkins or any other CI tool.

RESTful APIs (or simply REST API) are everywhere nowadays but at the same time they are getting more complex to get started with: different HTTP methods,, headers, cookies, dealing with file uploads or authentication with api keys, tokens, OAuth and so much more.

But before you start investing time writing code to retrieve the data the API is offering, why not test the request first to make sure everything is working as expected?

This is where the Postman App

Postman can help if you are developing APIs as well! I have created this course for testing engineers and well as for software developers. Postman can help you during the development of your API as well as after the API is completed, by running tests that make sure your API is still working as intended.

In the first part of the course we will start exploring the features of Postman and continue by writing API tests with the intention of integrating them in a CI server where the tests will run on a current basis.

But this is not the normal course you take part in. Because your needs may be different and because I hate leaving you wondering what to do next, the second part of the course will include user questions and answers to problems that were not yet covered in the course or that are more specific and may not interest everybody.

So let’s look at what you are going to learn:

  • Start with simple requests and advance towards more complex scenarios
  • Learn to deal with authentication / authorization mechanisms like Basic Auth, API Keys, or OAuth.
  • Start writing API tests
  • Organize tests in collections and share them with your team
  • Run API tests in Jenkins or any other CI server
  • You ask, I answer

So after this course you will know how to use Postman as a pro.

What you’ll learn

  • Create GET, POST, PUT, DELETE request
  • Understand GET vs POST request method
  • Work with real-world APIs (Github API, Trello API)
  • JavaScript basics for tests
  • Write API tests in Postman
  • Use data from Excel files (CSV) or JSON
  • Use Postman variables to create workflows and scenarios
  • Run API tests with Newman in Jenkins, GitLab CI or TeamCity
  • Use OAuth2, API keys, tokens, JWT, basic auth
  • Test file uploads
  • Use mock servers
  • Collaborate using Team Workspaces
Table of Contents

Introduction and first steps in Postman
1 Course overview
2 Introduction and first steps in Postman
3 About this Postman course
4 Introduction and first steps in Postman (continued)
5 The Postman Landscape
6 First steps in Postman

Creating with API requests
7 Note about requestbin
8 How to create a request in Postman
9 How to import a request from your browser in Postman
10 How to inspect HTTP responses in Postman
11 Handling cookies in Postman
12 Troubleshooting Postman issues
13 Saving requests to a collection in Postman
14 Working with API requests

Writing tests and scripts
15 Introduction
16 The Postman Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference Guide
17 Your first API test in Postman
18 Testing an API
19 Testing an API – Writing more tests
20 Recap Path parameters vs query parameters
21 Create additional requests and tests
22 Refactoring Tests

Writing tests and scripts using variables
23 Variables in Postman
24 Global variables
25 Environments
26 Session variables (new in Postman 6.2!)
27 Bulk editing removed new in Postman 6.2!)
28 Pre-request scripts in Postman
29 Make the requests dynamic by taking advantages of variables
30 Understanding different variable scopes types
31 How to setup different URLs using environments in Postman
32 Debugging tests
33 Notice about the old Postman scripting API

Hands-on Practice Building & Testing an API workflow using Github & Twilio
34 About this section
35 Github API changes starting November 2020
36 Introduction to the Github API
37 Create a simple workflow using the Github API
38 Introduction to 2FA
39 Setting up 2FA on Github
40 Setting up 2FA in Postman
41 Automating two-factor authentication (2FA) workflow – overview
42 Introducing twilio
43 Get a new Twilio phone number & 2FA setup
44 Setting up 2FA on Github with Twilio
45 Troubleshooting why Twilio did not receive the SMS
46 Assignment Read the SMS code and replace it in the workflow
47 Using the Twillio API in Postman
48 Conclusion
49 Additional assignment

Advanced assertions
50 Section overview
51 Postman assertion basics
52 Chai Assertion Library
53 Assertions
54 Chai Assertion Library
55 Assertions on arrays
56 Assertions on nested objects
57 Testing headers and cookies

Automatically running tests
58 Overview
59 Postman collection runner
60 Postman monitors
61 Automating with Newman (Overview)
62 Short introduction to NodeJs and NPM
63 Installing Newman
64 Troubleshooting Node.js npm Newman Problems (for Windows)
65 Running a collection with Newman
66 Newman v3 to v4 Migration Guide
67 ways to access your Postman collection from Newman
68 Specifying environments with Newman
69 Prerequisites for running Newman on Jenkins
70 Troubleshooting Jenkins Problems (for Windows)
71 Troubleshooting Jenkins Problems (for macOS, Linux)
72 Running a collection with Jenkins and generating a report
73 Creating an HTML report in Jenkins
74 Generating better HTML reports
75 Customizing HTML reports
76 Troubleshooting HTML reports
77 Running a collection from a Git repository with Jenkins

Running Newman with other CI servers tools
78 Gitlab CI
79 TeamCity
80 Short introduction to Docker (optional)
81 Running Jenkins with Docker
82 Running Newman with Docker

Workflows and Scenarios
83 Overview
84 Creating a basic workflow scenario
85 Advanced workflows
86 Clearing unused Trello boards
87 Multiple workflows with the same collection

Data driven tests Running a request multiple times with different data sets
88 Using workflows to create data-sets
89 Using external data files – Basic usage
90 Using external data files – Writing tests
91 Using external data files – Advanced usage

Team Collaboration
92 Introduction
93 Using the Git version control system – Overview
94 Using the Git version control system – Hands on
95 Team Workspaces – Creating and sharing a workspace
96 Team Workspaces – Understanding users and permissions
97 Team Workspaces – Managing user permissions

Mock servers
98 Introduction to mock servers
99 Why use a mock server
100 Create your first mock server
101 Practical example using mock servers for front-end development
102 Recording responses from an existing API
103 Known limitations

File uploads (testing, automatic uploads, uploading multiple files)
104 Sending and testing multipartform-data requests (file upload form)
105 Automatic the upload and testing process with Newman

Authentication Authorization
106 Basic access authentication
107 OAuth2 Authorization Flow (Authorization Code Grant)
108 Form-based Session-based authentication
109 JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Advanced topics and user questions
110 Postman help – Schedule your free Postman consultation
111 You ask, I answer
112 Reusing tests in multiple requests
113 How to deal with CSV responses
114 Writing files to the file system
115 Passing variables dynamically to the request at runtime (Newman)
116 Sending requests from scripts
117 How can I connect to my database using Postman
118 JSON Schema validation in Postman

New features in Postman
119 Designing APIs with Postman (OpenAPI 3.0.0 Swagger)
120 Sending GraphQL Queries in Postman

JavaScript fundamentals
121 Section overview
122 A short history of JavaScript
123 Data Types in JavaScript
124 Data Types in JavaScript
125 Variables
126 Variables
127 Conditionals
128 Conditionals
129 Functions
130 Generate a random email address
131 Data structures arrays
132 Data structures objects
133 Loops
134 Modern JavaScript
135 Sorting things out
136 Applying what you have learned to Postman
137 Conclusion

Postman News & Updates
138 February 2018
139 March 2018
140 April 2018
141 May 2018
142 July 2018
143 August 2018
144 March 2019
145 June 2019
146 October 2019

Bonus section
147 What are you learning next
148 Bonus