English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 83 Lessons (7h 4m) | 2.04 GB
Get started with Blazor in .NET
Blazor is a modern front-end web framework based on HTML, CSS, and C# that helps you build web apps faster by allowing you to use your existing knowledge of C# and minimizing the need to use JavaScript to a minimum amount. It is an incredible tool that can help developers be very productive by unifying the front-end stack with the back-end one. In this course, Microsoft MVP Jimmy Engström will assume you have no experience with Blazor, and he will spend the better part of 7 hours teaching you what Blazor is, how it works and how you can use it to build complex, production-grade web applications using C#.
Table of Contents
1 Welcome
2 What will you learn in this course
3 Who is the course for and prerequisites
4 What is Blazor
5 The web before Blazor
6 WebAssembly
7 The origin of Blazor
8 What makes Blazor great
9 Do companies use Blazor
10 Installing the tools
11 Blazm Extension
12 Hosting models
13 Looking at the templates
14 Third party controls
15 Razor Syntax
16 @Page + Routing
17 Parameters
18 Dependency Injection Inject
19 @typeparam
20 @attribute
21 @attributes
22 @Using + _Imports
23 @layout
24 @onclick & EventCallbacks
25 Binding data
26 StateHasChanged
27 Cascading parameters
28 Where should I put the code
29 Lifecycle events
30 Prerendering
31 Render modes
32 SSR
33 WebAssembly standalone
34 Introduction
35 Sessionlocal Storage
36 Database
37 Injected Service
38 Injected Service (2)
39 The built-in template
40 Auth0
41 Introduction (2)
42 Virtualize
43 NavLink
44 NavigationManager
45 ErrorBoundary
46 NavigationLock
47 QuickGrid
48 HeadContent PageTitle
49 Section Section outlet
50 Router
51 Introduction (3)
52 EditForm
53 Validation
54 The controls
55 Creating a Form component (Textbox)
56 SSR Form
57 Introduction (4)
58 Render fragments
59 HTMLRenderer
60 RenderFragment from method
61 Introduction (5)
62 What library should I choose
63 Abstraction Layer
64 Introduction (6)
65 Debugging Blazor Server
66 Debugging WebAssembly
67 Hot Reload
68 Introduction (7)
69 CSS
70 Isolated CSS
71 Introduction (8)
72 Blazor to JavaScript
73 JavaScript to Blazor
74 Introduction (9)
75 bUnit
76 Introduction (10)
77 Adding a list
78 Editing a todo
79 Adding a board
80 Going overboard with SignalR
81 Adding Progress and filters
82 Wrap up
83 Conclusion
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