English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 6 Hours | 940 MB
JavaScript: Complete bundle of Javascript foundation and Javascript object oriented
In this JavaScript course, you will learn javascript from scratch. This course includes foundation and intermediate level training of javascript up to object oriented javascript. I have divided the course in two sections : Foundation and Object Oriented. So if you are complete newbie in JavaScript, you will get to know a lot in this course. And if you are familiar with basic javascript, then object oriented is your part. But I would recommend you to start from lecture 1 as I have explained everything in deep so you can revise and redefine your skills.
This course consists, basic javascript, variables, operators, control statements, loops, arrays, functions and everything about object oriented javascript.
Table of Contents
Introduction and Basics
1 Introduction to Javascript
2 Where to write javascript
3 Variables and Data types
4 Single line and Multi line comments
5 Using external javascripts
Data Types
6 More to know in data types
7 What is string and how to write string in javascript
8 Operators in JavaScript Part 1
9 Operators in JavaScript Part 2
10 Operators in JavaScript Part 3
11 Operators in JavaScript Part 4
12 Operators in JavaScript Part 5
13 Operators in JavaScript Part 6
Flow of control
14 Conditional Statements
15 Learning Switch case
16 While loop
17 do while loop
18 for loop
19 for in loop
20 Skipping and Ending Itrations
21 What are the functions in javascript
22 How to get value from a function
23 How to call a function outside javascript
Pop boxes in Javascript
24 Alert box
25 Confirm box
26 Prompt box
Objects in Javascript
27 What are objects
28 Create an object directly
29 Create objects using function without arguments
30 Create objects using function with arguments
Date object in JavaScript
31 Using date object in Javascript
32 setDate method in Date object
String object in JavaScript
33 Using string object and methods in Javascript
Array Object in JavaScript
34 What is array and array object
35 concat method
36 join method
37 sort and reverse methods
38 push and pop method in array object
Math Object in JavaScript
39 Math object and its methods
Window Object in JavaScript
40 open method in window object
41 close method in window object
42 location method in window object
Location Object in JavaScript
43 Introduction to location object
44 Properties and methods in location object
Navigator Object in JavaScript
45 Properties in navigator object
Timing Object in JavaScript
46 Introduction to timing object
47 Live example setTimeout and clearTimeout
48 Live example setInterval and clearInterval
Screen Object in JavaScript
49 Introduction to screen object
Event Object in JavaScript
50 Introduction to event object
51 event.button property
Event Handling in JavaScript
52 Introduction to event handling
53 onclick event handler
54 onerror event handler
55 onblur event handler
56 Live example of onclick event handler
57 Live example of onerror event handler
58 onfocus event handler
59 onkeydown event handler
60 onchange event handler
61 onkeypress event handler
62 onkeyup event handler
63 onload event handler
64 onmousedown event handler
65 onsubmit event handler
66 onunload and ondblclick event handler
Bonus Section
67 Lets make it best course
68 Mastermind facebook group – Join Now
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