Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 10 Hours | 8.07 GB

Build three complete websites, learn back and front-end web development, and publish your site online with DigitalOcean

Have you ever wanted to create a Web application but didn’t know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Django but got fed up with incomplete YouTube videos and poorly written tutorials? Or are you looking to move your code from Django 1 to Django 2?


In my Django course, I will walk you through the Django web framework from beginning to end! I’m a self-taught programmer so I know what it feels like to start from scratch. I care about your learning, but even more importantly… I care about you!

What is Django?

Django is an open-source web framework that is written in Python. It was created about twelve years ago, but in April 2019 Django 2.2 was released with a whole new set of features and capabilities!

Django is an amazing framework for web developers because it provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, you can use the Django framework and utilize these components that are already built, and focus your time on developing your web app instead.

If you’re going to be working with Python, especially for web applications or web design, you’ll want to learn the Django framework. It will save you a ton of time!

Contents and Overview

I believe we learn best by doing. So, throughout this course you’ll be presented with coding quizzes and challenges in order for you to test what you just learned. This format will allow you to actually learn Django and not just follow along like a robot 😉

We will use Python in this course, so if you have never used Python before, we will start with a python refresher to get you up to speed (no other python experience required).

We will then dive into making three complete websites:

1 – Word-Counting Website: A simple website to count the most frequently used words in a piece of text. You will learn how to:

  • Install Django
  • Create a new project
  • Work with Django’s URL routing
  • Submit and handle HTML form data

2 – Personal Portfolio: Create your own portfolio to show to potential employers showing off your resume, previous projects, and a fully functional blog. You will learn how to:

  • Add apps to your project
  • Work with databases including SQLite and Postgres
  • Access the admin panel
  • Create super users
  • Create virtual environments
  • Make a responsive website with Bootstrap 4
  • Work with static and media files

3 – Product Hunt Clone: Make a simplified version of the awesome website to share new tech products. You will learn how to:

  • Work with the authentication system (sign up, login, logout)
  • Reuse templates
  • Create model relationships
  • Add icons via Iconic

I will also walk you through Git, which is an awesome tool for developers that allows you to create multiple versions of your code. I’ll explain why this is useful and help you understand why you should use it.

Additionally, I will show you how to take the projects that you made in this course and publish them live on the web through a Virtual Private Server. Like I said, I will take you from the very beginning to the very end!

Course material is regularly refreshed to include all of the newest updates and information, and since you’re granted lifetime access upon registering, you can rely on this course to keep your Django skills on the cutting edge. Additionally, I have made this course downloadable, so you can work through the class offline, making it as convenient as possible for you! Most instructors won’t allow this, but I want you to be able to enjoy this course in whichever way is best for you

Don’t waste your time scouring the internet and trying to piece together how to learn Django on your own. Invest in yourself, and allow me to teach you Django while having fun.

What you’ll learn

  • Build any website you want
  • Create a Product Hunt clone
  • Understand how using frameworks like Django will save you a ton of time in web development
  • Create your own personal portfolio site to showcase your projects to potential employers
  • Build fully functional websites for your startup or business
  • Improve your web development and coding resume
  • Publish your website online with DigitalOcean (a popular web hosting provider)
  • Create beautifully styled websites using Bootstrap (a front-end framework that simplifies web design)
  • Be able to connect Django to databases like SQLite and Postgres to help store and track data
  • Understand Django basics like Function and Class Based Views, URL routing, Models, Gunicorn and much more!
Table of Contents

1 Introduction

Python Refresher
2 Intro
3 Install Python
4 Variables, Strings, Ints, and Print
5 If Statements and Comments
6 Functions
7 Lists
8 Loops
9 Dictionaries
10 Classes
11 Outro

Site #1 – Word Counter
12 Intro
13 Django Cheat Sheet
14 Installing Django
15 Running the Django Server
16 Project Tour
17 URLs
18 Templates
19 Forms
20 Counting the words
21 Challenge
22 Solution
23 Outro
24 Source Code

25 Intro
26 Git
27 Outro

Site #2 – Your Personal Portfolio
28 Intro
29 Sketch
30 Virtualenv
31 Gitignore
32 Apps
33 Models
34 Admin
35 For Windows Users Only
36 Postgres
37 Test Your Skills – Blog Model
38 Home Page
39 Bootstrap
40 Show Jobs
41 All Blogs
42 Blog Detail
43 Static Files
44 Polish
45 Outro
46 Source Code

47 Intro
48 Digital Ocean
49 Security
50 Postgres and Virtualenv
51 Git Push and Pull
52 Gunicorn
53 Nginx
54 Domains
55 Outro

Site #3 – Product Hunt Clone
56 Intro
57 Sketch
58 Extending Templates
59 Base Styling
60 Sign Up
61 Login and Logout
62 Products Model
63 Creating Products
64 Iconic
65 Product Details
66 Home Page
67 Polish
68 Outro
69 Source Code

What’s New in Django 2?
70 Intro
71 What’s New
72 Source Code
73 Migrating a Project
74 Outro

What’s Next?
75 Thanks!