Cloud-Native Application Development with Java EE

Cloud-Native Application Development with Java EE

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 2h 42m | 776 MB

Building cloud-native application with Java EE 8 on Kubernetes

In a world of modern business models and digital products, the use of monolithic applications run classical infrastructure is just not feasible anymore. Many organizations have already begun resorting to the elasticity of the cloud as it offers them greater agility, availability, resilience, and portability. This video course is a one-stop solution for developers and architects, teaching them to understand the challenges faced in building cloud-native applications, using Java EE 8 and some additional well know open-source components and APIs. In combination, these APIs enable you to easily build hyperscale, elastic, loosely coupled, reliable, observable and secure microservices. Throughout this course, we address the different challenges you need to master to build truly cloud-native applications with Java EE. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with enough knowledge and practical experience to get your next cloud-native Java EE microservices up-and-running in no time, and with ease.

This course is packed with step-by-step instructions and realistic examples that are directly applicable in practice. The different sections of this course focus on the important topics and challenges of cloud-native application development such as communication, resiliency, state handling, and observability, and how these can be addressed using the latest Java EE 8 APIs.

What You Will Learn

  • Design and build cloud-native applications using Java EE 8
  • Deploy and run Java EE 8 microservices using Docker and Kubernetes
  • Build robust and easily consumable REST APIs with JAX-RS and MicroProfile OpenApi
  • Build resilient service clients using circuit breakers, bulkheads, timeouts and retries
  • Develop loosely coupled, message-driven microservices with JMS and JSON-P
  • Implement configurability with Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets using MicroProfile Config
  • Add and implement service monitoring with Metrics and MicroProfile Health
  • Implement service call tracing with MicroProfile OpenTracing
  • Secure your microservices with BASIC Auth and JSON Web Tokens
Table of Contents

1 The Course Overview
2 Challenges and Design Principles of Cloud-Native Apps
3 API Documentation with MicroProfile Open API
4 Building Message-Driven Microservices with Java EE
5 Multi-Source Configuration with MicroProfile Configuration
6 Handling Secrets in Cloud-Native Java EE Microservices
7 Clustered Scheduling and Coordination with EJBs
8 Challenges of Cloud-Native State and Persistence
9 Using JPA with Cloud-Native Databases
10 Using NoSQL Databases with Java EE
11 Session Replication for Stateful Java Web Applications
12 Distributed State Using the JCache APIs
13 Overview of Java EE 8 and Eclipse MicroProfile APIs
14 The Diagnosability Triangle
15 Adding Good, Detailed, and Structured Logging
16 Adding Telemetry Data Using Microprofile Metrics
17 Adding Readiness Probes Using MicroProfile Health
18 Adding Trace Information Using MicroProfile OpenTracing
19 Using the Java EE Security APIs with JAX-RS
20 Using JWT-Based Authentication and Authorization with JAX-RS
21 Mutual TLS between Java EE Microservices with Istio
22 Getting Started with Java EE 8 Microservices
23 Containerizing Java EE 8 Microservices
24 Infrastructure Composition
25 Deploying and Running Java EE on Kubernetes
26 Building and Versioning REST APIs with JAX-RS
27 Implementing Tolerant Reader with JSON-P
28 Resilient Service Invocation with MicroProfile Fault Tolerance